Listen to the people who have cherished trainings.

  • Practical, secular and spiritual guidance.

    Elyjah McLeod – Celebrant

    Zenith has been an inspiration and heartfelt support to our community for many years.

    Her steadfast commitment to bring vital practical, secular and spiritual guidance about death and dying is simply fantastic.

    I have attended her training and came out the other side empowered to not only contemplate my own journey towards death but she has given me courage to face the the inevitable journey I must face with all my family, friends and beloved animals.

    Zenith touches on all you pretty much need to know and holds a workshop space with Care, respect, integrity and honesty.

    Walking with death seems a lot more accessible and do-able for me now.

  • Enrich the soul.

    Anna Parker, Celebrant

    Zenith’s rich experience and passion in the field of death and dying makes her a wonderful teacher and guide. Her ability to convey her message with humour, humility and honouring of this transition in life is unsurpassed. I would recommend learning from Zenith at any opportunity provided. What she has to offer will enrich the soul life of a community and bring great meaning into people’s lives, whether it is preparing for death, living with someone dying, or understanding the grief process once someone has passed.

  • I learned about myself.

    Inara Kent, Celebrant

    Back in 2005 I attended the Funeral Celebrancy course with Zenith Virago. It was a transforming 6 weeks in my life.

    Not really sure about why I wanted to do the course except for the earnest wish to be available to those in my community as a resource for these times, often the most emotionally distressing times in a person’s life.

    Given Zenith’s generous sharing of her knowledge and lengthy experience, I learnt many things about the legalities of the death procedures, the processes in arranging a funeral, the essential information, how to provide clarity and gently provide suggestions to the bereaved families, friends “left behind” and about what is possible to have at a funeral.

    What really was amongst the most important things I learnt was about myself ; acknowledging and understanding my own fears about death and how to “be fully present” for whatever is happening. Zenith helped to open this door……… to trust whatever will be, it will be perfect.